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The Government Should Run Institutions And Industry
in Politics


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  • @Aranea ;

    ;I had a bit of a tough time discerning the point you were trying to convey to me. I’m not meaning to ask this in a rude way, but is English a secondary language for you?  I was born in the United States of America so of course English is not my first language, by the way there is a declaration of independence declaring me at liberty from England. This includes, and is not restricting to the English language as there are things a person can choose to say, and write as their grievance can be separated for the grievance of others.

     They way in which you’re wording your points is making it extremely difficult, especially in that third paragraph of yours, to actually discern what you were trying to state. 

    Socialism tampers with the market meant to expand natural in a way the economy grows closely regulated, and not driven by improvement to independent idea. Socialism always wants the improvement of service to appear to come from its regulated training, so conditioning market tactics can be controlled without investment. Otherwise the socialism falls victim to its on principles of manipulation and power, unregulated democracy.


    Okay say government is to run like a business, what business it the Government in, State or Federal?
    What does the mission statement of that business say they are to do? Are those who become elected following the mission statement, or do they act independently governed themselves by the idea of largest statistical popular opinion as a mission statement of a new business. No longer running the business they had allowed themselves to be placed in.

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